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This section contains HTML / XHTML scripts, references, and resources. HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) are markup languages used to display information on a web page. XHTML is the successor to HTML and it which conforms to XML syntax.

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Compact List of HTML Tags
This compact index of tags is arranged alphabetically. Each tag is a link that leads to a description of the tag and its syntax. If you need more detail, try the complete index that also includes tag names.

Dave Arns HTML Reference
A quick reference where all HTML tags are listed alphabetically.

Html Css Codes - Html Tag Examples - Css Style Examples
S Tag Strike, Span Tag, Meta Tag, Strong Tag, Abbr Tag Abbreviation, Acronym Tag, Bdo Tag, Noframes Tag, Q Quotation Tag, Ins Tag, Del Tag, Dfn Tag, Kbd Tag Keyboard Input, Pre Tag Preformatted Text

HTML Quick Reference Guide
A simple to use HTML code quick reference. No examples are provided, but a good range of HTML code is available.

HTML Resources
To help you find the information you need, we have compiled the following HTML resources which will lead to virtually any piece of information about the HTML language and related subjects. If you know of a high quality HTML resource that is not listed bel

HTML Resources - The HTML Writers Guild
The HTML language, Netscapisms, MSIEisms, tables, frames, and style sheets. Includes references, style guides, demos, and more.

HTML Resources Guide
WebCom Web Publishing Guide; WebCom provides extensive online help for setting up and maintaining successful Web sites.

HTML Tag Quick Reference Guide
Provides anchored link tables that summarize basic HTML tags.

Introduction to XHTML
Find out how the XHTML 1.0 Recommendation, successor to HTML4 can help you prepare your site for the Web of the future with this article. Learn what XHTML is all about, why you will want to learn to use it, and where it is going to take the Web!

Quick HTML Reference
All HTML Tags and Commands. A good resource for webmasters looking for something specific. Anchored links are provided to make finding the right code easier.

SGML Resources
Links to resources, software, organizations, and collections relating to SGML.

VRML Web Resources
A collection of VRML resources, including authoring, browsers, collections, examples, FAQs, tutorials, and more.

XHTML Links and Resources
Articles relating to XHTML. Together with CSS2, XHTML provides further support for separation of content and style. However, XHTML is a stricter language than its older brother, HTML, and requires the author to compose well-formed documents.

XHTML W3C Recommendations and resources:
Various articles and resources relating to XHTML.

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