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Authors Rule The Content World Online!

By: Martin Lemieux
Authors Club
Published: September 12 2006

Is this content wave ever going to end? I mean after we saturate the article marketing world, blogging world, RSS word, seo world, & eBook writing world, will there still be opportunity online for authors?

A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y !!!

A- Authors world wide are only getting better at what they are doing. This being said, so is the quality of content online. In the future, article directories and companies online will be oooozing with great quality content! That doesn't sound so bad does it?!

B- Blogging, a world that most people never heard of just a few years ago, has given people all over the globe the ability to; share their thoughts with others, interact with like minded people, promote their business when they didn't have the means to before. Bloggers now have the ability to promote other companies as well, which has ultimately helped the "work at home" industry a great deal.

S- Submitting articles is now the #1 way to promote your business online. The sheer amount of exposure vs. cost is greater than any other strategy out there. The better you are at submitting articles, the more business you WILL attract.

O- Online a.k.a the internet, a.k.a the web revolves around the ability to share information. Without the ability to share information, the internet would be dead. The online world thrives around authors, bloggers, and intrepreneurs!

L- Lately there is a growing shift of companies that are gravitating to the opportunity that the internet provides for them. The more "newbies" there are online, the more opportunities authors have to thrive and deliver their content. Even if 1 out of 5 companies online wrote articles, there would still be millions of websites out there every week that would need more content, better put, your content!

U- Unlimited opportunity for people who write content. With the revolution of article directories, blogging websites, RSS feed syndication websites, there's no end for authors. Opportunities to promote your content is knocking at your door every morning you wake up. Someone could create the biggest article directory list out there and still find new sites to add to that list the very next day.

T- Today you might be an amateur. Within time, you will learn how to write better, explain yourself better, and connect your readers better. Tomorrow you could be the next professional author whom everyone looks to when something new comes out.

E- Everyone online has the same opportunity as the next. The ultimate question is, how much of that opportunity will you attract? How hard will you work? How much time are you willing to put into your goals & dreams? There is no end the amount of opportunity online, how much will you create for yourself!

L- Laziness will get you nowhere online. The harder you work, the closer you will get to achieving your goals. Myself, I started out years ago as an author who barely knew what to write and who barely knew how to write. My writing skills were terrible. They still aren't top notch but, I will keep on writing for years to come.

Y- You have the chance to make a difference for yourself, your family, and your business. It all depends on YOU, and no one else. The key is to find topics that interest you. Start writing about your everyday adventures within your own personal blog. Once you feel comfortable enough (Don't forget to have someone proofread your articles to help your grammar), then start promoting your blog to others. At this point you should be comfortable with sharing your thoughts with others. From there you can venture out and write articles for reprint online. If you get good enough at writing content, many popular websites & trusted websites will start to take notice. Once this happens, you will have accomplished a great deal, I promise!

Cheers To Authors World Wide!


Martin Lemieux is the owner of the following article directories. Be sure to register for an author account, and get extensive promotion for your articles!

Submit Articles To: - Authors Club. - Family Related. - Business Related.


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