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FreelanceMyWay: The New Platform for Connecting Talented Freelancers With Clients

Published: February 14 2018

In recent years, the freelancing economy has exploded, with businesses of all sizes now relying heavily on freelancers as part of their workforce. Even still, many freelancers struggle to connect with clients and many clients struggle to find talented freelancers to complete their projects. Enter FreelanceMyWay - a new company attempting to change for the better how freelancers and clients connect.

How Does FreelanceMyWay Work?

One of the things that sets FreelanceMyWay apart is the fact that they take the time to screen all of their freelancers before allowing them to work on the platform. For clients, this means that they can rest assured that the freelancers who apply for the jobs they post on are talented professionals who are up to the task. For freelancers, it means that they don't have to worry about being underbid by individuals who may not really be qualified for the job.

This type of screening process is something that has really been missing on most of the major freelancing sites, and it's something that both clients and freelancers on FreelanceMyWay should benefit greatly from.

As for the type of projects that can be posted and applied for at FreelanceMyWay, the range is pretty significant. Whether clients need a blog writer, a web developer, a graphic designer, a mobile programmer, or more, they can post their project on FreelanceMyWay and start receiving applications from talented freelancers right away.

There is no fee to post a project on FreelanceMyWay, and the money for a project is only released when the client is fully satisfied with the work turned in.

For freelancers, FreelanceMyWay ensures that all payments are fully safe and secured. Payments are released based on a milestone system that allows freelancers to be paid as they complete milestones on a project rather than requiring them to wait until the project is fully completed before they receive any payment. For more exhaustive, long-term projects, this type of system is especially beneficial.

Who can Start Working on FreelanceMyWay?

For clients, posting a project is incredibly simple. Projects are 100% free to post, and clients can start receiving applications for their project within minutes of uploading it. There is no approval process for clients, and they can begin posting projects as soon as they sign up for an account.

As mentioned, there is a screening process for freelancers before they are able to begin bidding on projects that are posted on the site. This process requires freelancers to provide information about their work experience, their education, and their personal background. In the end, though, providing this information on their profile is something that all serious freelancers should do, screening process or not. Once approved, freelancers may begin bidding on jobs posted on the site. If their bid is accepted, the work can begin.

FreelanceMyWay provides the ease of use that freelancing sites such as Upwork offer while also including a barrier to entry that helps weed out the low-quality work that is prevalent on these sites. It's a winning combination that both freelancers and clients can start benefiting from right away.


Whether you are a business owner looking to hire a freelancer for your business or a freelancer looking to expand your career and take on new clients, FreelanceMyWay has a lot to offer. They bring a new approach to an industry that is greatly in need of a few new approaches.

If you would like to post a job to FreelanceMyWay or apply to work there as a freelancer, we invite you to visit today.


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