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How To Find Quality Article Directories!

By: Martin Lemieux
Authors Club
Published: September 12 2006

You've done your homework and you want to promote articles online, but were do you submit your articles to? How do you find these ezine article directories people are talking about?

Over the years, I've been able to amass a large list of article directories. Unfortunately, my list may not be the right type of list for your business. See, my detailed list inlcudes websites that relate to the internet marketing & web development industry. Don't worry, there are many ways to collect a comprehensive list of article directories that relate to your business.

You Want To Create Two Different Types:

1) "Real Time" Submission Directories:
These article directories are the easiest to submit to. They usually have a simple contact form somewhere located within their website which you can easily copy & paste your article in. These article directories DO NOT require that you log into an author account that you register for.

2) "Author Account" Article Directories:
These types of directories are ever growing in popularity. I recommend that you utilize a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet in order to build this style of article directory list. I mention this simply because you will be required to login to an author account with a username & password. Isn't it much easier to use the same user name & password for all of them? Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you want to keep it simple, try using 2-3 different passwords that are easy to remember.

Now that we have gone through the two types of article directory lists you'll need to create, we can now go and find article directories. I never go too far searching all over the place online, people have done the work for you!!!

All you need to do is find other people's great article directory lists! Once you've amassed a huge list, you can then spend some time once a month searching for new article directories that relate to your business. But for now, let's take a look at other people's great lists!!!


http://www.ezinearticles.com/forums/viewforum.php? f=10&sid=1e470d1c76d45278645ab50bfa5e356c


http://www.webmaster-talk.com/the-major-web-directories/ 46676-article-directory-list.html


In the future, the way to find these major lists is by searching for something like "Article Directory List(s)". Usually this type of search will deliver the kind of results you're looking for.

When you think you have the "typical article directory list" which many authors have, it's now time to dig a little deeper and search for article directories that relate to the topics you write about. Here's how we do this...

In google, search for these terms:
I will use (Topic) to signify your own related topic or industry. Simply replace "topic" with your own topic instead.

- (Topic) Article Directory
- (Topic) Article Directories
- Submit (Topic) Articles
- (Topic) Article Submission
- (Topic) Related Article

You will need to dig a little by using these searches but sometimes, you might come across some directories that most authors don't know about. Overtime, this is how you'll be able to create a massive list of ezine article directories that relate to your business!

Happy Hunting!


Martin Lemieux is the owner of the following article directories. Be sure to register for an author account, and get extensive promotion for your articles!

Submit Articles To:
http://www.Article99.com - Authors Club.
http://www.MyFamilyLiving.com - Family Related.
http://www.Smartads.info - Business Related.


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