Powweb Hosting ReviewPowweb is the second hosting provider I have used, and I currently use
it to host two sites. Powweb is unique in that it only offers one hosting
plan, which put me off signing up with them at first. I thought that if
I need to upgrade, I'll have to switch providers, rather than just upgrade
services with the same host. My reservations were unfounded, however,
as since I signed up with them, they have continuously upgraded the package
services, with no change in price.
The features on offer with Powweb are extremely competitive. They boast
one of the highest offered bandwidths in their price class. All the key
features you look for in a host are there: frontpage support, 5 MySQL
databases, phpMyAdmin, 650 mail boxes, SSI, SSL, etc. They also now guarantee
"Zero Downtime Hosting", which is something I've never seen
with any other host.
Another great feature of Powweb is that they serve a large number of
customers. For this reason you can always find someone who as already
asked your question in the help forum. The support staff have been great.
I've only had to contact them once for a billing issue (due to a mistake
on my part), and their response was quick and helpful.
The reason I wouldn't given them full marks is because I have had a few
email problems, where I couldn't access or send and emails for a few hours.
Then again, this may no longer be an issue if their load balanced servers
(recall, "Zero Downtime Hosting") applies to their email servers.
Also, they offer their own custom control panel, which is more difficult
to find your way around than alternatives such as VDeck and CPanel.
I recommend Powweb to anyone who wants a Unix hosting plan. Don't be
put off by the fact that you can't upgrade plans, because if you're like
me, their package features will expand faster than your site will. As
an example, when I signed up I received 25 POP3 accounts, and I now have